Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Gotta get out of here

We live in a pretty quiet neighborhood...and for the most part everyone just keeps to themselves. BUT there are 4 or 5 neighbor kids who don't get the concept of OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY...when we first moved in they were always running through the yard...which would be one thing if we lived close to all other neighbors, but our yard is almost ENTIRELY fenced in...save for a small piece on either side of the driveway...you can't get to anyone else's yard from our yard...

Today the kids were playing on the front fence (which we have asked them repeatedly NOT to do and they broke off 2 of the 'pickets'....grrrr....Nathan handled it pretty well, I, on the other hand FREAKED OUT....it is not cheap fencing, it is that way overpriced vinyl stuff (the previous owners put it in, not us)

We have asked them to stay out of the yard and off the fence and away from the dog - because the last thing we need is for Besta to bite someone...but they just don't....so what should we do?!?

Monday, February 26, 2007


Isn't it amazing that after a good snowfall all the impurities of the earth are covered in a shining coat of clean white? And everything feels fresh and pure and happy? Don't you wish there was something like that for mankind?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Little Bit 'O Culture

Last night Nathan and I were lucky enough to attend a Jane Monheit concert. The University (not the music department, mind you...grrrrr) somehow convinced her to some to our little school in our backward state and put on a show for CHEAP -$5!!- for us poor college kids. She is great, and apparently others think so too...she was nominated for a Grammy. If you have never heard of her, check out www.janemonheitmusic.com.

It was nice to go to a concert and have someone to sit next to...I usually am by myself supporting my hubby! :)

In other news, Nathan is sending an audition CD to Pershing's Own, the US Army Band in DC for their French Horn opening. It would be a great gig - permanent duty, automatic promotion to E-6, plus we would get to move BACK TO CIVILIZATION!! (ok mom, put down the heavy object, no need to take your aggression out on the computer).

Wish him luck (you too mom...)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Thursday!

In last night's hastilly typed rant of unsupressed anger I forgot to wish everyone a Happy V-Day! I got some beautiful flowers from the hubby...HUGE purple lillies and NOT red roses :) He knows me so well. I will take a pic and post it later (if I remember).

Also...as just an aside. I LOVE THURSDAYS! Mostly because it is the day before Friday...and that my favorite show comes on Thu night. I am a hopelessly addicted Grey's Anatomy fan. :) I am very excited for tonight, because last week they left us hanging...anyway.
I hope you all have a Happy Thursday!


So I have been a slacker and have not updated in a while...sorry :(

Ya know how sometimes you meet people for the first time and you just get a feeling and you just don't like them? One of the girls who still works at the baby store is like that...anyway...she tried to tell me she knew ALL about what we were going through...although she had only tried for 1/2 as long...I am supposed to work at the baby store on Sat for the new guy - (it is his anniversary) and I realized this past weekend that the 17th (this Sat) is the year mark of when we lost our baby :( So the last place I'll really want to be on that anniversary is at a baby store. So I asked him if he could see if Feelings Girl to work for him instead. Well she threw a temper tantrum and demanded that I work for her the following Saturday and owe her one more....I'm thinking to myself...Um...you are not working for ME, honey...you're working for the new guy...HE should owe you not me...psycho. So I don't want to have her thinking that "Holly totally owes me" so I am just going to suck it up, take some Prozac and work Saturday.

Oh, did I mention that Feelings Girl is pregnant? Only like 10 weeks, but when she was 6 she was blabbing it to everyone...even customers. When she had her first ultrasound, she came in and asked me if it bothered me when other women talked about having babies, etc around me. I told her it didn't as long as they were not totally callous towards my feelings....well she proceeds to pull out her ultrasound and just go off on how great it is to be pregnant, etc...saying ALL the wrong stuff like "You just need to relax, that's what we did" or "Don't worry, you'll get your own someday"....ggrrrrrrr....

Now I have other friends who are good at the whole thing...they are happy for themselves but still aware that it might be painful for me so they are just nice about it...and man I wish they could teach classes to everyone on how to act because I KNOW I am not the only woman going through this out there!

Its like my other friend who started trying for a baby last spring and will have her baby this spring...she has this long sob story about how it took them so long...3 months?!? There are a TON of women who would KILL to only have to wait 3 months to get pregnant. And she then tells me she's pregnant through a mass e-mail. If she supposedly knows how hard it is to watch everyone around you get pregnant, and she didn't want me to have hard/mean feelings towards her when she got pregnant, couldn't she have at least sent me a separate e-mail, or called?!?

Sorry for the long rant...I have just been touchy, feely on the whole baby thing this past couple days. :(

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Five Whole Years!!

So, this past Thursday, February 1st was our 5 year anniversary...can you believe it!? We had a hard time believing it...craziness...

So for our annivesary we had lunch where we had our wedding luncheon and then went to dinner at this awesome steak house...which is next to (and I believe owns) the place we had our wedding celebration (because we didn't have a typical reception...it was a big party with a Jazz Band and cake buffet...num num)

So in honor of the envent I thought I'd post a few wedding pics!

My Cute Brothers!

My Prince Charming!