In our state, when you adopt a child one of the first things you have to do is go to court and file your adoption petition. Add to that some additional paperwork and three post-placement visits from your social worker and then it's legal and final. The process usually takes 6 months, but due to our looming move to Italy we are filing a petition to finalize early...fingers crossed.
Yesterday we had our day in court.
Yesterday we had our day in court.
Miles being served by the sheriff.
The funniest part is that Miles had to go to the Sherriff's office and be served copies of the paperwork. They have to actually touch him with the filed motion...its cute plus he got a Junior Deputy badge.
Us with our lawyer, the judge and cute little dramatic Miles. :)
Congrats guys!!!
If only they put ALL people through this stuff whether they give birth or adopt!!! All the red tape is kinda ridiculous to put you guys through
Happy happy first court day! When are you "finalized?"
We are scheduled to finalize in November...but due to our impending move to Italy we are filing a petition to finalize a month or two early. ::fingers crossed::
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