I feel like this year is a great year for me to make some hefty resolutions. We are in the middle of a massive life change so I figure it's a good time to shake things up even more. Also - it's our 10 year anniversary...and the first time I've had my job as a mother to consider.
I've given these resolutions a LOT of thought. I have really focused these goals on helping me become the type of mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend I want to be...and how I can be the best version of her that I can.
By the end of 2012 I want to:
- Be well on my way to becoming fluent in Italian.
This one should be easy...since we'll be living in an Italian town and will need to know the language just to get around. In southern Italy not as many people speak English as in Northern Italy...they are VERY proud to be Italians.
- Get my photography business up and going
I got some sweet new photography toys for Christmas - new bag, new lens as well as reflector/diffuser panels. Plus I've already found a photog buddy there and we're going to take some classes together.
- Have our home more Christ centered: family prayers, scripture study, FHE, etc.
I've found when we focus on what's really important, life just goes a little smoother.
- Never say no to Miles when he asks me to read to him
I realize he won't be talking a whole lot this year...but he's starting to pick up signing...and if he asks to read, no matter how busy I am I will read to him.
-Make healthy choices: eating, exercising, etc.
This will just be a continuaton of what we've tried to do this year. It will be fun to try out all the new fruits and veggies in Italy...and eating healthier should be easier because the town we're looking at living in doesn't have McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy's, etc...but they have TONS of fresh markets.
- Remember birthdays
I keep resolving to do this...and one of these years I'm actually going to do it.
- Once a month send a letter (as in paper and pen) to someone
I love getting things in the mail. It doesn't have to be anything fancy...but a card, postcard, thank you note, etc is just such a great surprise and I figure if I like it then someone else will to!
So what about you? Any resolutions? Goals? Tips for me as I undertake this list?