Saturday, March 23, 2013

Glow in the Dark 5K

Tonight I did something I never thought I'd ever be able to do a race.  Even as I sit here and type that sentence I get teary.  Running was something I enjoyed for so many years, and then I let it fall my the wayside when my weight started to creep up.  With the added weight my knees and ankles ached at even the thought of a run.  But then I was inspired by the changes I saw in a few friends.  I made some decisions, some massive lifestyle changes, started Isagenix, and decided to take my life back.  

As I pushed the last 100 yards of the race tonight, my body was telling me to stop.  My lungs were aching and my right knee was throbbing; but I pushed through and crossed the finish line running.  The final stretch there were people along the course cheering you on, telling you the end was were almost there.  I felt enormous pride in this thing I was doing.  This thing that I thought was so far out of reach for me.  

I am proud of my hard work.  It hasn't been easy, that's for sure.  And there have been many moments where I thought "this is good enough" but I kept pushing and I'm glad I did.  My only regret is that I waited until last summer to start...I should have started earlier.  So if there are any of you out there who want to change something...whatever it it.  Today.   Make a change today - whether it is large or small - that will get you closer to your goal. 

Thank you to those who have encouraged me on my bring on the next race! 

And now for the pics:

Me and my biggest fan...pre-race.

The girls...yes those are tutus...and yes we ran in them. :)

Me and Becca...about 2/3 of the way through

All done - we got our finisher medals!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Did ya hear??

Miles and I will be in Chicago AND Utah this summer.
(how lucky are we??...Nathan too but for WAY less days)
Wanna have a playdate?  Email me!

You know what I did today?

Ran 32 minutes. 

With my new running buddy, Becca.  :)

I ran a mile on the 5th...first one in too many years to admit to...and today I ran 3.1 miles.  I'm always amazed when I do something that just a few short weeks ago I wasn't able to do.  The body is an amazing thing. 

We are running a 5K race this Saturday.  It'll be my first race ever.  

It's a fun night...we're wearing tutus and glow in the dark bracelets. 

I can't wait.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Mom of the Year

Last Thursday started out really awesome but then took a turn for the worse.  Miles and I were up at the base for a playdate with some friends.  He was climbing all over the jungle-gym but wouldn't go down any slides, which I thought was strange because he LOVES slides.  He's always asking "Slide?".  So I climbed up and asked him if he wanted to go with mommy... "YES!"  I sat him on my lap and down we went.  When we got to the bottom he started crying and I thought he was scared.  The slide was fast and sort of jostled us back and forth.  

The incriminating slide:

 I tried to make him stand but he wouldn't.  So we sat down and had a cookie, and I gave it a few minutes.  We tried again and he still wouldn't put weight on it...I made him try to walk and he limped.  I thought it was a sprain, so I called the clinic to see if he could be seen.  The clinic was closed for training so I decided the ER would be our best bet.  (But I was for sure thinking they would tell me I was overreacting and it was just a sprain)  The doctors took all the necessary information, then we waited...and waited.  After an exam they sent us off to radiology.  God bless the pour soul who had to help me that day.  Miles was SO ANGRY (no wonder...he hurt and we were twisting him all around to get xrays) and screamed a scream I have never heard him yell.  I was teary the whole time, trying to calm him down while pinning his tiny thrashing body on the table so the radiologist could get a good shot of the bones.  After xrays were over we headed back to our curtained corner and waited some more.  The doc came in and told me "'s broken". 

You can see the break on his tibia.  It goes diagonal from top left to bottom right, near the bottom of the bone.  You can also see my fingers trying to hold his foot still.

I was STUNNED!  And then I immediately felt horrible.  I had made him go down the slide...on my lap...and then I'd made him try to walk it off.   Mother of the Year right here.  They sent down a guy from orthopedics to wrap Miles in a temporary splint with orders to return the following morning to get his real cast.

The next morning we showed up to get the cast...we let Miles pick the color.

After the cast was on they had to cut down both sides to allow for swelling.  We'll go back this Friday to get it cinched back up and re-wrapped.  

Daddy and Miles after 2 hours of casting

 He has done ok with it all, considering.  His patience is definitely impacted.  He can't get around as easy and that frustrates him.  We have watched Cars 2 six times in the last three days...his request...and spent a lot of time snuggling (which although I hate the reason...I'll take snuggles when I can get them!)  Our good friends Rebecca and Kelly got him a present to play with, it's a racecar track that is only about 1.5ft tall so it's the perfect height for him to play.  He has already started crawling around...he just drags the casted leg behind him.  He hasn't tried to walk on it yet - but I'm sure the time will come - he is a stubborn little guy.  

Thank heavens for baby legwarmers!!  It is still chilly here and we can't fit any of his pants over the cast so he's been in shorts and a legwarmer on the non-broken leg.