Here are the results of some of the Old Wives' Tales for gender prediction:
Heart Rate - GIRL
If you're above 140 it's a girl, below it's a boy.
At 16 weeks our baby's heart rate was 157. At 28 weeks it was 156. At 32 weeks it was 160.
Cravings - GIRL & BOY
Craving meat, cheese, sour or salty stuff means boy - craving fruit and sweets means girl.
I've been craving sour candy and fruit, as well as cheese & salty chips.
Chinese Gender Calendar - GIRL or BOY
According to THIS calendar it's a boy. But according to THIS one (which goes off Chinese lunar age) it could be either...our conception date (which I don't know) would have been right at the overlap.
Break outs - GIRL
This legend says that a girl in the womb steals her mother's beauty...the reason behind the breakouts.
I have felt like a teenage girl again at times...embarrassing!!
Morning Sickness - GIRL
Queasy first trimester? That means girl. Little or no sickness points to boy.
I was really nauseous until about 15/16 weeks...and then it made a revival for a few weeks around 20/22.
Carrying Position - BOY
If you are carrying the baby high it's supposedly a girl, carrying low is a boy.
This baby is so low I can't sit with my legs together...when this baby drops it's likely to just fall out.
Watermelon or Basketball? - BOY
Does it look like you're smuggling a watermelon or a basketball under that shirt? Watermelon means girl, basketball means boy.
I am smuggling a giant basketball over here!
Headaches - BOY
Lots of headaches? Baby boy is to blame.
I had a lot of headaches my first trimester...they've tapered off a bit.
Cowlick Position - BOY
Several European cultures believe that if a child's cowlick is in the middle of his/her head the next child will be a girl, if the cowlick is to the side it will be a boy.
Amelia's cowlick is on the side.
Baby Center Survey - GIRL
This super scientific survey on BabyCenter asked a bunch of questions about stress and age and time of year, etc.
According to them? Girl. Survey - BOY
Another batch of questions about conception, pregnancy, etc.
According to them? Boy.
At first Miles told us it was a brother - I was only 7 or 8 weeks at the time. But only once or twice...since then he's held firm in it being a sister. When you ask him how many sisters he has - he says "two sisters!" I have felt both boy and girl vibes at some point, but as the pregnancy went on I am leaning more towards feeling it's a boy. BUT I have had two dreams where it's a girl. My Italian "mamma" who we jokingly call the Pregnancy Oracle says it's a boy. In fact, she told me when I was pregnant WITH AMELIA that I would get pregnant again before we left Italy and that it would be a boy.
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