Sunday, September 07, 2008


I am alive...Nathan and I both caught some superbug and it has taken him almost 2 weeks to shake it - I'm at 11 days and still not feeling back to normal. I missed 2 days of work last week (would have been three but Monday was a holiday)...and most of my Labor Day weekend was spent in a drug-induced sleep/coma. Our house smells like Vicks now...

Anyway, I was reading the letters to the editor in my friendly local 'newspaper' and came across this gem. I am not expecting many of you to read this...and I don't expect any comments, because it seems that my political rants/posts don't sit well with most of you (probably because we don't share the same opinions). Alas, here is the text:

To the editor:

As I follow this presidential race closely, I think back on an episode of “That 70’s show” (Season 1, Ep. 3 “Streaking”) where the main character, Red Foreman, was given the opportunity to publicly ask a question to the visiting President Gerald R. Ford. He got the courage to ask a straightforward question that deserved an answer instead of the silly “mild” question that the local committee had prepared for him to ask.

So it made me think that if I had the opportunity to sit down with Barack Obama (heaven forbid) and ask him a question, whether it be publicly or in private, I would look him straight in the eyes, look past his manipulative charm, ignore the “Change” Tattoo imprinted on his forehead, and ask him “Sir Obama, what is your religion, and what is your middle name?” Of course I would be escorted out of the room as quickly as if I had asked Bill Clinton a question of “How profitable was the drug business you were running while in office?”

So many people rip George Bush up one side and down the other, yet he isn’t doing anything corrupt, and he hasn’t been under a desk at any time during his presidency. It’s all kind of funny seeing how I know John Kerry wouldn’t have done any better, and yet you left-wingers won’t lay off of him.

I for one think it’s ridiculous that Mitt Romney practically got put on trial about his religion, and he answered the questions. He is now no longer on the ticket and I think it had something to do with him being a man and standing behind his beliefs. So how about you Obama?

The main point I’m trying to make is this: Barack Obama is not African-American, he is Middle Eastern, and he is a Muslim.

So to call it a historic event to have the first African-American nominated to run for president would be misleading, Because he is not African-American! I know I may get some backlash from the Angry Left, but I know I can just brush it off, because you are the same people who think it’s OK to murder unborn babies.

I’m looking towards the future, and we need a man who is on the same page as God and who is truly ready to lead us, not a man who is off by himself praying five times a day to an “Allah” character and, when asked about the abortion, issue gives the lame answer — that it is above his pay scale — when we all know he is for it. I want some answers Obama! Would God approve of abortion? I didn’t think so either. (Keep in mind I know of the situations where the mother and baby would die if she went through with the pregnancy. I’m not an idiot.)

Gary R. Olsen


I am not sure what frightens me more - that (1) there are people out there who would actually believe all of this or (2) those people are allowed to vote.

When politics are laid out on the table, I fall to the left. I am ok with paying taxes, I like all the social programs, I like money being spent on eduation and I don't think government should have a say in how I live my life - until I am infringing on the rights of others. They shouldn't be able to tell me where to live, or who I can/can't marry or what church I can go to, etc. The direction our country has taken over the last 8 years if frightening. It is a citizen's right and obligation to question our leaders, except now if you do so you are being called unpatriotic. There are those in our country right now who would have everyone with a different view cast to the bottom of the ocean and would not feel bad about it because they are just 'protecting' the country and our values. I am surprised that people can look back over the past 8 years and still look to the president with adoring eyes and think it is ok to kill or hate as long as the recipients are 'immoral' or 'wrong'. But who is deciding where the line is? Blind faith. It is scary, and I am frightened for the direction of our country if it continues.

I find it laughable that the right-wing has been leaning upon the evangelical Christians for the last (at least) 4 years to ensure their seats on office. They scared enough of them out to vote in 2004 with the threat of those evil liberals corrupting their children. Yet now, they have selected a woman whose family is not following the values they have so heavily touted. And all is clear on the right-wing front. I find it laughable that had Obama's daughter been the one to get pregnant they would have been waving the flag of immorality wherever they could and saying it was a sign of things to come if he were allowed to lead this nation.

I don't like talking politics with most people here. It seems like everyone is so ignorant of the issues, all they have is sound bites and hearsay. Now if you have studied the issues and have come to the conclusion that you fall on a different side of the issue than I, I am fine with that. It is what makes our country great. But when you try to argue with your pieces collected off the floor and pad it with slander and hate, I cannot tolerate it. We MUST be an educated public, to ensure that we do not end up like Germany in the 30's. The quote I posted from Hitler a few posts back is scary, and accurate. People in power hope that the ones they rule over won't think, that they will just do what they are told is right/wrong and not question.

There are resources out there, and most of them are free. is an AWESOME website. You can go there and answer a myriad of questions and then you are guided through how your viewpoints are alike/different from political candidates. So if you don't like McCain you can say it is because you don't agree with his support of an extension of the Patriot Act rather than 'because he's old'.

I hope people catch the fever of this looming election and spend the time studying the issues and not just going by what they were told by so-and-so or believing something because that's what their parents had believed and their parents... Do the responsible thing.


Abby said...

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm a Republican and I found that letter to the editor to be just as frightening as you did. Unfortunately, there are ignorant people on both sides of the political spectrum. This fellow here is a complete dumbass. I hate knowing that there are people like him voting within my party. Like you, I don't mind if people have researched thoroughly before reaching their conclusions. If they disagree with me, great. Also, being civil about it would be lovely, but we can't have everything, right?

I find many people in my own family thinking exactly like that idiot there. I can't tell you how many times I've begged them to let the Obama-is-a-terrorist thing die and to quit inventing conspiracy theories about the man. There are enough legitimate things to dislike him (and any other candidate) for that going out and making stuff up is not only completely unnecessary, but defeats the purpose AND makes us look bad. Can't we all just judge these people based upon the truth rather than the creepy "facts" your Uncle George pulled out of his butt the other day in yet another fit of paranoia?

Lori said...

Wow. I'm actually in shock over that letter to the editor. Talk about ignorance. It's taking something as sacred as Allah putting it in quotations and waving it off as nothing important. Personally, I would be offended if someone waved off this "God" or "Jesus" I believe in.

In my politics I tend to lean left and then find myself torn in two when faced with certain issues (gay rights, abortion, health care policy, mainly). However, I completely agree with you. Given the circumstances I would be hardpressed to see how Kerry's term would have ended differently (except maybe stem cell research and education funds) No matter WHAT your preference get educated!

Ignorance breeds ignorance.

Ryann said...

That letter was absolutely ridiculous. It is really unfortunate that people are that ignorant. But I have to agree with Abby-people on both sides believe anything and don't research. Sad but true.

I disagree with you politically but I enjoy reading your posts. Being over here, I am removed from all of the political controversy and it is interesting to see what the public opinion is. Thanks!

Mickelle said...

I consider myself an independent but will be voting for Obama this election...Sarah Palin not only annoys me but I completely disagree with her outlook on the world(and how to deal with it) I also feel like McCain has been brainwashed by the extreme right wing of the party(or at least he owes them for the nomination)
Thanks for posting this and I will be holding my breath for the next few months hoping for what I believe to be our best hope to change the direction of our country(Obama/Biden)

One more thing:
Since I have been in Vancouver for the past month it is interesting to see what their take on our politics are and they think that it is a non-contest between Obama and McCain.....they think we are crazy to keep electing people who are not looking out for the "average joe" and unfortunately they are heavily affected by our choices.

Kirk said...

Holly-great job expressing your opinions. I respect them. I am quite interested and involved in the political race. In reference to the letter I see why some people hate republicans. However, examples to the extreme can be found abundantly in every group whether it be repubs, demos or libritarians. Check out my blog if you want to see what me rants are. I may disagree with some of your politics but it just makes me proud to be living in a country that we are free to express our opinions and agree to disagree on a few things. I would hate to think otherwise. I would much rather read a blog of an educated liberal than an ignorant repub. Ie- said article.