The Navy Birthday Ball was back on October 10th. I really wanted to go, and it usually takes Nathan a lot of convincing to go to something like this because he isn't a fan of dancing. Not this year - I mentioned it and it went and got tickets! It helps that the band got in we just had to get my ticket. Gotta love being a band geek...or being married to one in my case.
The food was actually quite good...normally 'banquet' food is kinda icky...but this one was fancy schmancy. Look at the beautiful butter ball display: (Although I must admit, seeing these balls gave me momentary fright...they are the same kind we used to have at the restaurant and I used to have to prepare trays and trays of them at the end of my shift.)
Here we are...don't you just love the skirt of my dress? When we bought it I thought it was just silver...but when we got it home I realized it was a silvery PURPLE!! :) It is so soft and when I twirl it billows out. I just love dressing up!
Oh, I almost forgot the best part of my outfit!! I have had these beauties for a few years and I only get to bust them out about once a year on average. The pic doesn't do them justice...they are sparkly and fabulous. Oh how I love them so.
I love your dress, hair, shoes and you! It looks like you had a great time!
Holly and her shoes love it!
Swirly dress AND fancy shoes -YAH! And I like your hairs too.
love the shoes. love the hair. lookin good, darling.
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