Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Resolved: 2013

**EDIT** I have updated my resolutions...you can find that post HERE.

I feel great with how much I did with my 2012 resolutions.  I hope 2013 is also a great year...with that in mind, here it goes:

- Be able to sing Oh Holy Night in church for Christmas...in Italian
This one will take some work.  Oh Holy Night is a tough song to begin with, and doing it in another language will make it that much more difficult...but it is something I want to do.  I want to sound good, and also not butcher the pronunciations...so practice, practice, practice is what I'll have to do. 

- Have my photography studio up and running
It is well on its way...just need to give it a little push and keep it going. 

- Keep going with Isagenix and get to my goal weight
Once my parents head back home Nathan and I are hitting it hard again.  I want to be able to pick out a cute swimsuit for summer and not worry that it needs to tuck my tummy and cover my thighs.

- Be able to carry on a conversation with someone in Italian - without Google Translate
I can communicate just fine now...between my language skills, hand gestures, and Google Translate.  But I want to be able to sit and chat with some of the women at church, and my landlord's family...without having to use a translator and excessive amounts of pantomiming.  

- Mail my Christmas cards by December 1st
This is kind of a nerdy New Year's Resolution...but I had all the best intentions this year and our Christmas cards are going in the mail tomorrow.  Next year I'd rather people get them before Christmas than after.  

- De-clutter every room in our house
I would ideally like to do this in January and then KEEP it de-cluttered.  We shall see...I have intense hoarding genes on both sides of my family.  Poor Nathan is the opposite...and I think sometimes he wants to wack me over the head with bags of the stuff that I hoard. 

- Catch up Nathan's Navy scrapbook
I know I will never be 100% caught up with scrapbooking...especially at the rate that I take pictures.  BUT I would really like to have Nathan's Navy stuff all caught up so I have less of a mountain to scrapbook when he retires (which isn't for another 12 years but I'd hate to have 12 years of pictures to scrapbook at the last minute)

What about you...any resolutions?


Unknown said...

Love these! :) I think you should also do the 365 photo challenge with me! You'd be awesome at that! Thanks for your posts, I always love them. You inspire me Holly!!!

P.S. I will add your Christmas cards resolution to my list... I slacked this year! Here's to 2013!!

V said...

I'm so glad you shared these. They're great!

I'm amazed you've learned so much Italian!

I love the de-clutter one and the Christmas card one. Both of which, I should follow suit.

Jmeas said...

Nice shhare