Saturday, May 25, 2013


I have been mulling this thought over in my brain over the last little while.  

Do you think Social Media is ruining blogging?  I used to be such an avid blogger but now when something happens I throw it up on Instagram or FB or Twitter and only the major highlights make it here.  I've been trying to be better but it just isn't happening.  Do any of you feel that way?  Have you done anything to make it better?  

This blog also acts as a sort of journal (since I fail at that too) and I want it to be more inclusive of life than is currently is.  I want to be able to make it into a book and look back and see not only what we were doing and where we visited, but hear my thoughts about life.  I have so many things about Italy that I'd like to share...and then the thoughts about adopting another wee one...and friends going through hard times...and living a positive life...and photography...and Navy life...etc, etc, etc.  

I just feel like the day gets away from the time I cook and clean and spend quality time with Miles and keep up with my photo business and stay on top as my position as Ombudsman and plan our weekends and Skype with family and shower and spend one on one time with Nathan and scoop the litterbox and exercise and take care of church obligations and go grocery shopping and do laundry it's midnight.  It's 12:17am right now and today I didn't even do half the stuff I listed above...

So I find myself wondering if Social Media is killing blogging or if life is just too busy.   


Salmon Tolman Family said...

Yes, I think that facebook, twitter, and instagram have made blogging less popular. I realize that it's easier and quicker for people to use other social networking sites than blogger. But for me, I continue to journal and post photos and make stories that can be printed from my blog. It's a good outlet for me, and my kids love looking at the books I've created from my blog. I know that I won't always be around, and our blog books are my family's history of me and of their youth and of our time together.

Ryann said...

Yes, social media is ruining blogging. I have kept up with it because I do just what you said. I make a book every year of the blog. The kids love looking through it and remembering what we have done throughout the year. It also serves as a sort of baby book from when the kids were younger-and who doesn't love looking at your own baby pictures? So keep it up Holly-make it a priority! These are memories you will want to keep!

Me, Myself and I said...

Sounds like it's both for you. Social Media and being a busy Mom.

I have noticed that with a lot of Bloggers, though - that they've stopped Blogging and just put stuff on other easier social media sites. I still blog because I want to make a book and I don't know how to do that on FB or other sites. I also want to write more about what happened than just have one pic.

PS - got your swap package in the mail. Thanks so much!!!!

Kimberli Norton said...

I do think it is. I HATE that too. I still blog a LOT cause I have printed multiple books and I am SO in love with the idea of having everything recorded with pictures. I feel sad sometimes that my blog is not looked at as much. I had to make it private which I HATED, but with Taly it just seemed one way to get my feelings out and not be nervous who may be reading them. I still feel like I facebook all the big main things so that blog has been lost. It kind of makes me sad. Although I will NEVER stop just because of my books. You will LOVE the books if you make them. They are SO special! So I guess, yes I am with you, but I think you should just keep it up for the books!!!