Monday, September 21, 2015

Blue or Pink...what do you think?

Even though we are happily Team Green, it's still fun to wonder and try to predict the gender of this baby.

Here are the results of some of the Old Wives' Tales for gender prediction:

Heart Rate - GIRL
If you're above 140 it's a girl, below it's a boy.  
At 16 weeks our baby's heart rate was 157.  At 28 weeks it was 156.  At 32 weeks it was 160. 

Cravings - GIRL & BOY
Craving meat, cheese, sour or salty stuff means boy - craving fruit and sweets means girl.  
I've been craving sour candy and fruit, as well as cheese & salty chips.

Chinese Gender Calendar - GIRL or BOY
According to THIS calendar it's a boy.  But according to THIS one (which goes off Chinese lunar age) it could be either...our conception date (which I don't know) would have been right at the overlap. 

Break outs - GIRL
This legend says that a girl in the womb steals her mother's beauty...the reason behind the breakouts.  
I have felt like a teenage girl again at times...embarrassing!!

Morning Sickness - GIRL
Queasy first trimester?  That means girl.  Little or no sickness points to boy.
I was really nauseous until about 15/16 weeks...and then it made a revival for a few weeks around 20/22.

Carrying Position - BOY
If you are carrying the baby high it's supposedly a girl, carrying low is a boy.
This baby is so low I can't sit with my legs together...when this baby drops it's likely to just fall out. 

Watermelon or Basketball? - BOY
Does it look like you're smuggling a watermelon or a basketball under that shirt?  Watermelon means girl, basketball means boy.
I am smuggling a giant basketball over here!

Headaches - BOY
Lots of headaches?  Baby boy is to blame. 
I had a lot of headaches my first trimester...they've tapered off a bit.

Cowlick Position - BOY
Several European cultures believe that if a child's cowlick is in the middle of his/her head the next child will be a girl, if the cowlick is to the side it will be a boy. 
Amelia's cowlick is on the side. 

Baby Center Survey - GIRL
This super scientific survey on BabyCenter asked a bunch of questions about stress and age and time of year, etc. 
According to them?  Girl. Survey - BOY
Another batch of questions about conception, pregnancy, etc. 
According to them?  Boy.


At first Miles told us it was a brother - I was only 7 or 8 weeks at the time.  But only once or twice...since then he's held firm in it being a sister.  When you ask him how many sisters he has - he says "two sisters!"  I have felt both boy and girl vibes at some point, but as the pregnancy went on I am leaning more towards feeling it's a boy.  BUT I have had two dreams where it's a girl.  My Italian "mamma" who we jokingly call the Pregnancy Oracle says it's a boy.  In fact, she told me when I was pregnant WITH AMELIA that I would get pregnant again before we left Italy and that it would be a boy. 

What do YOU think??

Enter your hunch HERE for a chance to win a box of Italian goodies!  
(password is music)


Kimberli Norton said...

I am going to say BOY! I am so happy for you! I hope it all goes well for you! I can't wait to see the cutie, cause we at least know for sure it will be a cute one!!!! :)

Janus said...

Yeah, I'm gonna say BOY, but then this comment is coming 2 or 3 months AFTER you had him. Fun 'catching' up with your blog.

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