Thursday, August 23, 2007

All sorts of good news!

...what a nice change...

My mom finished her heart cath about an hour ago and she is doing good...her full-on surgery will likely be next week or possibly the week after, we'll jsut have to see. I was really nervous for her...and I feel bad for my dad, he is with her and just has to sit for the next 8-9 hours while she lays still...I made him a 'busy book' yesterday filled with mazes and word searches and pages to color (yes, for my dad) to keep him busy, hopefully that helps.

The other good news is that Nathan and I have a new addition to our family!!! No, not a baby, at least in the socially acceptable definition of the word...

I drove down to see my mom last night before her procedure this morning and we were going to meet my dad for dinner...we were driving along this 55mph highway and off to the side of the road was this little black kitty, so I made mom stop and I got out, walked back to it (which was funny because I was in 3" stilettos on the gravel shoulder). He got spooked and ran into a big sagebrush (stupid desert) and it took me about 10 minutes to coax him out. Once I got him he purred and loved me non stop. We took him to my parents old house, locked him in the bathroom, went to dinner, then to Walmart to get food and a litter pan then back to pick him up. He is SO stinkin cute...but WAY malnourished. He is probably about 8-10weeks but is NOTHING but fur and bones. His little shoulder blades and pelvic bones just stick dad said he looks like a bat...and his tiny tiny skinny tail looks like a rat tail so his first nickname is Bat Rat Cat... I was so worried about Winston accepting his new friend/brother/lover/whatever but I just couldn't leave him on the side of the road. Winston took it rough. He hissed - but didn't spit or swat or growl. He seems curious about the kitty and only time will tell. I hope they get along ok... We are taking him to the vet tonight to make sure he's all ok, and get him vaccinated and all. If it turnes out he really is a boy (which I think he is) is name will be in Sinatra....get it Frank Sinatra....Rat Pack... :)

Isn't he cute though?


Anonymous said...

Holly, glad your mom's surgery went ok, your new kitty is toooo cute !!!!! Hugs Lisa

Janus said...

That's a pretty Kitty!!!
Hopefully Winston will warm up to FRANK.

Alexis and Janus