Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crimson Trail

A few weeks back Nathan, Besta and I did another hike for our Summer of a Million Hikes.  We hiked the Crimson Trail, which I heard was not as hard as the Wind Caves, but I felt like the climb up to the rock wall was just as if not tougher.  The Crimson Trail is cool because it winds up to the top of the China Wall...which is a huge shelf of rock situated about 2/3 up the mountains in the canyon.  The first part of the trail is hard and then once you're on the rock it is nice and the views are spectacular!  In fact, if you look at THIS pic from our Wind Caves hike you can see the rock wall behind us.

This was at the beginning of the hike - the river ran right past our campsite. Nathan almost got swept away while wading out with Mitch. 

Another view...looking west just a wee bit up the trail from the pic just above. 

Nathan and Besta the Trail Blazer.  He LOVES hikes.  He will run up until we can't see him, we'll holler at him, and he comes trotting back only to repeat the process over and over.  So in the long run he actually hiked the trail 3-4 times in one shot. 

Incredible view looking east at the rock crest.

Besta WOULD NOT cross this little crevice...and it was only 4' deep.  Nathan picked him up and carried him over it...(the pic of Nathan above is just over this crevice).  He probably would have stayed there - but he got the balls to cross it once we began to walk away. 

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