Monday, March 09, 2009

If looks could kill

This is the face I get if I don't feed Winston on time.


Chels said...

OUCH! That is a great one. We just finished video taping Noah...his new favorite place is underneath our rug. We have more pictures of our cat than we care to admit. How do they get so darn funny!

GRK_MMM said...

I feel like that some days too, sure do miss having kitties around (other than my battery powered one) She ust doesn't do cute things. Sumo used to get on the roof and meow to get down, he was afraid to jump. I had to hold a box up for him to climb into and then i would lower him down to the round.

Lori said...

haha! that's AWESOME.

Sheila said...

Okay I don't really love cats, but that is just too funny. It's almost like a cartoon cat look! :) Thanks for the laugh.

Amanda said...

Niiice. He doesn't have any feelings about that does he?

ChristinaS said...

That's the same look I get when I don't feed Angel my dog on time. If the news gets done first, she will I'm late. Foster our old cat we used to have, would just give up and open the bag and get it himself. LOL