Monday, January 23, 2012

Fifth time's the charm... ?

So life hasn't been super exciting lately...except for the fact that we're now living in another country.  I have lots to, church, flights, jetlag, etc. but it will have to wait.  

We're going house hunting tomorrow...again.  We've seen 13 so far...we're scheduled to see 5 more tomorrow.  I'm sending up all kinds of good vibes because I REALLY want to get this housing ball rolling.  Italy isn't known for it's swiftness...and when you add military into the mix it really gobs things up.  After we find our house there is a lengthy and infuriating process before we can move in...and it takes anywhere from 30-45 days.  Yep...that's AFTER we find the house.  Sheesh.  And since we're currently stashed into the spare bedroom of some (wonderful) friend's house...I'd like to get the process going.  

So here's to hoping house hunting day #5 is successful!! 


V said...

uh...that all sounds SUPER exciting.

How do you know the friends you are staying with? That's awesome that you already have good friends in Italia.

Ryann said...

Don't they have temporary housing facilities on the base? If you wear out your welcome, can't you go there?

Good luck today!

Holly said...

We know the friends from Chicago...they were transferred out here in October.

They do have temporary housing (TLA) but it was full (it fills up quick...there are only a small number of pet friendly rooms). We could choose to go to a hotel somewhere else, but they are more expensive than the per diem that we're allowed...I don't want to have to fork out a bunch of money out of pocket.

We have 60 days to find a house...I hope it doesn't take that long but I will wait as long as necessary...I don't want to get a place where we won't be happy & safe.

Happy Herrons said...

Ugh. Sending happy house thoughts your way!