Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Week of thunder clouds

So I have known for some time that this week would be a tough one - our baby was due Oct 9th. I have been thinking about it all day and I just can't seem to get the whole thing out of my head. I have been super emotional the last day or so...feeling blue about not having a baby, feeling like I don't belong here - that I don't fit in, feeling just not myself...My therapist had told me (back in RI) that we needed to do something on the due date - something fun that could offer a distraction. The only problem is that I have to work on Monday - from 12-6 and Nathan has school all day...I feel like I am going to need a large dose of Prozac to get through the week...

On a brighter note I found out I got 22 out of 25 on my Economics test - so I have a solid A now...phew...still debating the whole degree thing - I KNOW Liberal Arts would go so much quicker - but Accounting would allow for more jobs once I'm done - BUT I am not really sure I want to be an Accountant anymore - I have kinda thought Marketing, maybe...but who knows, that too could change...

Well I should go to bed - I have to be up early tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the Baby.
Luv, K