Friday, March 25, 2011

Starting fresh... the hopes of something new. 

We are changing adoption agencies.  Yep, you heard me right. We're hitching our destiny to another star...or casting our line in another stream...or something like that. 

The agency we're currently with just hasn't worked out like we'd hoped.  When we started the process we were told that 2 years was the average wait time frame.  Two years from initial application to the day you bring home your baby.  Now I realize that's an AVERAGE...I've had friends wait much longer than 2 years.  But we're at 17 months and our situation is getting urgent.  We can't afford to sit around and wait  to be placed.  (Although truthfully we haven't been sitting around...I think we have done a pretty good job about getting our names out there...we just haven't met the right person yet.)  Nathan is up for transfer next year ( it that time AGAIN?!?) so we need to have an adoption wrapped up here before then.  When you allow for the six month finalization timeframe it means we need to find our baby by August(The state requires you to have 3-6 post-placement visits with a social worker and file a new mountain of paperwork and wait at least 6 months until they will legally finalize the adoption.  Just one of the many joys adoptive parents get to experience.)   That's not much more than 4 months ladies and gents.  As I lay in bed a few weeks ago pondering life in general and adoption in specific my mind started doing the math and I freaked out a bit.  Ok, not a bit...full on OCD mode kicked in.  I made another adoption binder...I created a filing system so that as I investigated each agency I could remember who had told me what.  Over the next couple weeks I emailed like crazy, filled out forms, spend HOURS on the phone, prayed, cried, ate, prayed some more...and we finally narrowed it down.  Hallelujia!
The agency we picked (A Guardian Angel) is busy.  But that's means they know what they're doing.  My goal is to have the mounds of new paperwork completed and our printable profile created, printed and bound and in the mail Monday.  Boy oh boy it's going to be a B.U.S.Y. weekend!  But we both have a really good feeling about this agency.  I'm hoping this is it!


Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...


Ryann said...

Good luck with the new one!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hi! We don't know each other but I ran across your blog. Have you ever considered working with American Adoptions? We have used them twice successfully with VERY short wait times (2 weeks was the longest we waited for the call). We have two beautiful children now 4 and 2. Good luck to you, check them out!

Gardiner said...

I think about you often and pray that you will soon be a mother. I admire your courage, determination, and strength. Know that I am thinking about you. XOXO

Amanda said...

Yay! So excited for you. Hope all the good feelings turn to great feelings soon. Muah!