Thursday, March 15, 2007

I want to be famous

Ok, so I want to be famous...not so I can have a 'stylist' or a gynormous house or buy whatever I want...but so that I can swing into a country and adopt a child whenever I should feel the urge...and not have to wait for months or even years like the rest of humanity...grrr..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just heard about the adoption. It is amazing what $$$$$ can do. being famous helps too, Just look at Madonna. I've heard it costs about $50,000 in the US to adopt, or you can do it through foster care, Who has that kind of money or patience......I think that it should be much less expensive and more accessable(sp?) to normal american couple's. If you have enough money you can be a gay couple or single and still adopt. amazing, K