Saturday, March 10, 2007

tricky question...

I hate church...not religion or God...but church...

I have not always hated church...I LOVED it in RI, but things are so different here - and people seem so superficial and fake...I get NOTHING from attending and actually feel worse after than I did before the service...I know a lot of it has to do with all the pregnant women and babies around us, but I think that people here take it all for granted and suck at the whole 'being Christlike' thing...

So the tricky question is: Do you put a smile on your face, suck it up and go because it's what you're "supposed to do" or do you not go at all and become inactive...and can you still have a stalwart testimony of Christ and not attend church??

(Sorry I guess that is three questions)


Anonymous said...

Holly, we are both so alike , are you sure we are'nt related ? Hugs Lisa

Ryann said...

That was so totally me in Cape Henry! I HATED that ward! And I have not really liked some wards since then. When we moved here we loved our ward and then the boundaries changed. A few months later I'm pregnant and Terry is deployed. My ward did NOTHING to help me. Not even called. I hated going to church and struggling and getting zero support.

But I kept going because the girls like their Sunday school classes and I would feel guilty if they didn't go.

And lo and behold, the ward has gotten better. I have slowly made acquantences-not friends per se but I no longer hate going to church. So my advice, is stick with it. For me, if I wasn't going to church I would not keep a testimony-the two are too inter-related. Hope this helps!

Ryann said...

One more thing...I totally blogged about how awful my ward was and then they found my blog and read it. Made me feel awful. Just my warning:)

Anonymous said...

Holly keep going! Remember the church dosen't belong to your "ward" and the people in it, it belongs to Christ and is one of the small ways we show Jesus how much we love him. Who knows... maybe in some small way YOU can make a difference. I think many people (me included) have been in a ward that we felt was less welcoming and it was a strugle to go every week. But go and you will be blessed!

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Holly, I know how hard it is to be in a ward you do not feel at home in but it will get better!!! Your in our prayers!!

.::still blinking::. said...

I think everyone struggles, we all put on our happy faces and go to church. But I think if you give it some time, you will see that everyone is struggling with something. One the surface everything appears fine, it is just a little deeper where are true feelings lie.