Saturday, January 03, 2009


I found an envelope this week that had 'Holly: Open Dec 31, 2008' on it.  Once I saw it I remembered writing the letter contained in it.  It was a letter to myself that I had writted in January of 2008.  I hadn't set official 'resolutions' but I had a couple things I wanted to have accomplished by the year's end.  Most I didn't fact, I mended the rocky relationship with my SIL and that was it.  At first when I read the letter I felt I had failed myself.  But then I thought of all the things I DID do this year:

I worked two jobs for nine months to put Nathan through school.  
I played the piano and flute again at Nathan's recital. 
I read a new book every month.  
I went to a city I had never been to (Seattle).  
I dealt with the grief of accepting infertility.
I got more excited about adoption. 
I started honing my photog skills. 

So I may not have run a marathon or lost the weight or gotten pregnant...but I did do some things.  I thought a lot about whether or not I should set some resolutions for 2009.  On the one hand, if you set them and your goals are not accomplished you experience failure...BUT if you don't set the goals, you might just be complacent with the current version of you...never wanting to get better.  So I decided to do it.  I have really thought about them the last few days.  I thought long and hard about the type of person I want to be and the type of life I want to lead and I based my resolutions on that.   So here it goes.  

In 2009 I want to:
-Do something nice for someone everyday
-Read a new book each month (you can join me here)
-Take a photography class
-Do everything we need to do to get our end of adoption all set up
-Go back to church
-Read the BOM & DnC again by year end
-Learn at least one solo/concerto on piano 
-Learn at least one solo/concerto on flute
-Do 100 scrapbook pages
-Be better at remembering everyone's birthdays
-Do one thing a month that scares me
-Be more grateful

I am going to do a check-in post once a month as a way to hold myself accountable and hopefully help me realize my goals.  Wish me luck!


Sheila said...

You're post reminded me of something I read while I was on a mission, it was a quote that said, "If you always do what you've always done, you will always be what you've always been." I think you're right about getting complacent sometimes, I do that. I hope you reach your goals, they are wonderful...I think I just might copy a few, like remember birthdays, and 100 scrapbook pages! Good luck! :)

Lori said...

Good for you Holly. I think those are awesome goals. I felt the same way when I looked at my 2008 goals, I only accomplished 3 out of 7. Blast. But I agree, if you don't make goals you do become complacent. Good luck with everything in '09.

We need to get together again before you leave for Chicago!

Chels said...

I think I need to follow your example a little bit more. I was just telling Tyler how I only make one New Year's resolution anymore and that is to not make any New Year's Resolutions! Perhaps this is a bit of that complacency that you refered too. ;) Good luck on your goals.

Amanda said...

Ooo! Those are great resolutions, and ones that I think are atainable too. I just started studying the BOM again. I haven't hit every day yet, but it's getting better. I need to set some goals now. You've inspired me. :)

me and him said...

you are a great example and inspiration to me. thanks.

Briana Ward said...

HI Guys! I just wanted to say thanks for the fun games and tink's treat! We have been playing Rook of Mormon and Ol' Korihor all week, Riley is addicted. Hope things are going well! Talk to you later,