Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here's a few highlights from our holiday:

The Fam at Christmas Village

Nathan and Austin 'playing' with Pudgy (I think actually Nathan was protecting Pudgy from Austin)

Aunt HaHa (that'd be me) and Bubba cooking

Dad and one of his Christmas Presents...if you know my dad and the GI-freakin-NORMOUS shop he just built, you'd understand the humor behind the rug. 

Me and one of my Christmas gifts...but I don't know if it is really me...I mean, shoes?  I don't know if I even like shoes...

There was also much Guitar Hero, fighting over what would fit in/on a pickle, The Farming Game, snow, food, Birthday Cake, snow, more food and not nearly enough sleep.  

Good Times.


me and him said...

i'm glad you took some time for some birthday cake. Happy belated Birthday too! and glad you had a happy holiday!

Happy Herrons said...

We LOVE the farming game - let's square off when you come to visit!