Wednesday, July 01, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So back at the first of the year I reviewed 2008 and looked ahead at some goals I had for 2009. In case you don't feel like clicking on the link, here they are. I thought this would be a good place for me to stand accountable for what I've done so far...and hopefully re-ignite my want to be better.

In 2009 I want to:
-Do something nice for someone everyday
So I was really good about this first, but I have yet to do something EVERY day. I do think about it and then I try to do good that day, so I guess that's something.
-Read a new book each month (you can join me here)
I have more than done well with this one. So far this year I have read: The Secret, Skeletons at the Feast, Atonement, The Count of Monte Cristo, My Sister's Keeper, Time Traveler's Wife, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Appeal
-Take a photography class
I took a class on lighting...I still want to do more. Hopefully once I get a job I can afford a class or two.
-Do everything we need to do to get our end of adoption all set up
Nothing here...we are in a holding pattern until the house sells and we dig ourselves out of this financial hole.
-Go back to church
Um, I've been twice. Does that count?
-Read the BOM & DnC again by year end
I moved my scriptures back by the bed, and I look at them guiltily as I fall asleep.
-Learn at least one solo/concerto on piano
Started learning Claire I am a bit freaked out about my neighbor situation.
-Learn at least one solo/concerto on flute
Nothing yet.
-Do 100 scrapbook pages
I did an album, that had 20 pages. So 20/100
-Be better at remembering everyone's birthdays
I have done HORRIBLY at this one. Unless you're on facebook you probably don't get birthday wishes from me. I am sorry. I really do want to be better.
-Do one thing a month that scares me
Hmmm...January: ? February: Sleep with a gun under my pillow March: Moved across the country to an unknown city. April: Start the job search again amidst fear of rejection. May: Killed spiders...lots of them. June: ?
-Be more grateful
This I have really gotten good at (well, at least better than I used to be). I am grateful for all the little things people have done and continue to do for us.

Well, I know what I still need to work on.

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