Monday, December 01, 2008

A New Perspective

#29 - Pink Lady Apples - I LOVE Pink Lady Apples.  I have yet to find them since we moved here...well Saturday I (and my mom and sister-in-law) took my grandma grocery shopping.  The grocery store we went to I haven't been to in probably 10 years.  I was amazed at how many different produce items they had.  And much to my surprise and excitement they had Pink Lady Apples!  mmmmm.

#30 - A Month, a New Perspective - This month has been really good for me, in two ways.  First, it has made me focus on things I am grateful for.  I have said more than once that I hate a lot about my current situation and so it has been helpful for me to look beyond all that I don't like to find the things I am grateful for, that may be hidden by my attitude.  Two, I have thought A LOT about adoption this month.  I spent quite a bit of time this month working on a blog that will serve as our profile for adoption.  It is not yet as I would like it to be so you won't get the link yet, sorry...but I promise it will be soon. :)  (I know you'll lose sleep with the excitement!)
My friend Ann tagged me, and since it deals with adoption, I thought I'd do it here:
Here are the rules:
1- Link to the person who tagged you
2 - Post the rules on your blog
3 - Share 6 adoption related things.habits/quirks about yourself
4 - Tag 6 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5 - Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Since I am a newbie in the adoption area, I could only come up with 4 things.

1- The first book I bought on adoption was the Complete Idiots Guide to Adoption
2- I bought it over a year a go, even though I knew it would be a while until we started the process
3- I have always felt deep down that I would adopt, even through all the fertility treatments
4- I have a blog already created, even though we haven't even begun our homestudy yet

Ok, I am tagging Amanda, Lori, Kara and Janus.  I know I am supposed to tag 6, but these four are the only ones I know of who have experience with it.  If you are reading this and want to share, leave a comment with a link to your blog, or just leave your 6 things in the comments. 

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