Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, do you want the good news or the bad news first?
The good news? Ok. Nathan got back in

The bad news? They will ONLY send us to Chicago. Now before you get all angry with me thinking I am just hating on the Windy City...hear me out. I want to finish my degree (afterall I have been graduated from high school for almost 10 years) and we REALLY want to adopt...oh, and I hate winter. I know I grew up in Utah. My family LOVES skiing, my hubby's family loves snowmobiling....I guess I am just missing that gene. In elementary and junior high school they used to have a ski day and everyone would go skiing...not me. I went one year, hated it and elected to stay home all the years after.

Jacksonville (which was our top choice after much careful consideration) was great for a couple reasons:
#1 - No winter...well at least no below freezing, slipping on ice, scraping windshields winter
#2 - UNF - a good school, pretty reasonably priced and RIGHT near where we were looking at living.
#3 - Um, it's FLORIDA. 3 hours from Disneyworld, less than an hour to the beach...who wouldn't love it?

So now we have to decide if we want back in the Navy enough to go to Chicago...and not only to go to go to Chicago IN FEBRUARY. In the below freezing, slipping on ice, scraping windshields, bad idea to wear high heels DEAD OF WINTER. (There is a reason they call it the DEAD of winter you know...)

In true OCD form I came home and scoured the internet to find universities, apartments, military housing, adoption agencies, etc...and have found some good things on the adoption, not so much...oh, and it was only 26 degrees in Chicago today. Fun.


Happy Herrons said...

Holly - CHICAGO IS AWESOME! Have you heard of the 'Taste of Chicago?' where TONS of great restaurants have food out in the park? And they have a GREAT pier - tons of fun. And an AWESOME natural history museum and a huge aquarium...can I go on? When I was in Indy, we would go to Chicago for fun. The shopping!?! Ophra! (did I even spell that right?) The mile of shopping? A million people watching fireworks with you! It will be AWESOME! I am JEALOUS!!

onedayatatime said...

Jonathan and I went there once to the temple when we lived in Louisville and it was really fun! And doesn't Steve Young still live there ... maybe you can figure out which ward he is in and place yourself there! I don't know if Chicago winters could be much colder and windier than Newport. I guess when it comes down to it, there is good and bad anywhere you go, but it's the people you meet who make it great!

Janus said...

Hey girl, you would be only 6 hours away from US!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would absolutely LOVE it if you moved a little bit closer to US!!!! Chicago wouldn't be that much colder than Minnesota. I know that you were hoping for a warmer climate and who wouldn't, but when I read your post--I was hoping that you would take the Chicago gig, that way at least one member of my family would hopefully come visit us.


Lori said...

Hey. Navy is the Navy. It's a foot in the door and maybe in time he'll be able to transfer to Florida. :) My cousin moved from North Carolina to Chicago, it took her a second to get used to...but she loves it!

Abby said...

It's better to go in Feb when the winter is half over as opposed to October when it's just getting started. And you won't be in Chicago forever at least. You will transfer out one day. When you're at the bottom of the totum pole in the military you don't always get the place you want first (you know that), but the longer you're in the better your chances of being sent where you actually want. Like a warm climate for instance. And hey, it's not like they're gonna hand him a rifle and send him to Iraq, so he's already ahead of the curve there.

BTW, congrats to Nathan for getting back in!!

Sheila said...

Congratulations on getting back in! I'm sure you'll make your home the best where ever you are...a little jealous that Janus gets you and not us... sniff...I'm excited for you guys, new adventures are fun!

Amanda said...

Well first of all, congrats to Nathan on getting in! That is good news.
I have no advice on Chicago. I've only ever been to the airport there. As far as airports go, it was pretty decent. ;) I do have a friend that has lived there since graduation and loves it. So there you go. There's another vote for yay for Chicago. Making big decisions is the pits. I hate doing it. But I'm glad they have good adoption options!!!!

Janus said...

HI!This is ALEXIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Grush's said...

Chicago is not all that bad. Well, we live a few hours away but we didn't even have any snow until two weeks ago and the spring, summer, and fall are awesome. If you move here I think there is a chance that you will like it.

Kate said...

How funny... Jacksonville is one of the places I DREAD going to. I'm not a huge fan of snow, but I don't do well in heat/lots of sun (burn soooo easily!).

I thought Chicago winters couldn't possibly be as bad as people told me... but when it snowed in April??? SHEESH! Hope to survive this upcoming winter!