Monday, December 01, 2008


For Thanksgiving we had my parents and grandparents up for dinner.  I cooked the whole meal except mom brought up a dinner salad.  Most of what I made was from scratch...which I repeated over and over to anyone who would listen.  Here's what was on the menu:

Cranberry Sauce
Honey Pecan Encrusted Ham
Harvest Stuffing
Candied Yams
Mashed Potatoes
Turkey Gravy
Rosemary Carrots
North Pole Broccoli
Strawberry Pear Chiffon Jello
Green Salad
Relish Tray: Pickles, Beets, Olives

Here's me, with my Vanna White pose, showing off the table.  Ignore the non-hairdo...I spent all day cooking food so I didn't have time to blow-dry and flat-iron.  

My Grandpa carving the turkey. 

The turkey...not my best looking one, but it tasted great. 

Here's a shot that shows off four of the pies I made.  Pumpkin (from scratch), apple (from scratch) and cherry (crust from scratch, filling, not).  we also had Chocolate Silk Pie, Grasshopper Pie and Lemon Cheesecake. 

After we ate, my brothers and their others came up and we played games and ate pie.  While the big kids played a game, dad, mom, grandma and my great-aunt played with Marble Works with Blaine. Truth be told, I think my dad had the most fun. 


me and him said...

you are seriously amazing! i don't know how you did it all!! oh wait...yes i do, you're wonder woman! my mom made thanksgiving but near the end she wasn't feeling good and asked me to mash the potatoes and make the gravy. i almost had a heart attack due to the intense pressure to 'not mess up!' so i admire you. a lot. happy thankgiving!

Abby said...

Hey, NICE SPREAD. You should come cook for my Thanksgiving.

Happy Herrons said...

I'm hungry for pie already!