Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Question for you military folk...

So, this is mostly for my military friends...but also any of you who have moved a bunch.

Since the place we call home will change every three or so years I want to find a way to recognize/remember our past homes. Here's one I've heard of...its not exactly what I'm looking for, but you'll get the idea: There is a little wooden house. A chain of little wooden signs hung from the house that had current and previous addresses painted on them.

I've thought about getting license plates from each state and hanging them (sounds crazy, but it would match our decor)...or a collage of pictures of our previous houses. What, if anything do you do to commemorate all your previous living places? It needs to be something that can be added to as we move, but not seem empty right now.


Abby said...

Hm. We've never done anything to remember our previous places, other than Christmas ornaments, but that's not really original. My parents used to get a jar of dirt from their yard every place they lived all the way from when they were kids on up through moving with the military and now in the house they'll retire in. They have a whole shelf of tiny jars half filled with different shades and textures of dirt (or soil, if that sets better with you). Kinda fun. Not terribly crafty though.

Ryann said...

We don't do anything either. I have seen hanging placques listing all previous duty stations.

Sheila said...

I like the little house idea. That's cute! I should've started that. We've only taken video of every nook and cranny of our house. I've gone back and watched those and it's sometimes fun to remember the little memories that come with different corners of a house. I like the dirt idea, that's cute.

Me, Myself and I said...

They hang in the garage. Fun decor.

Grandma Bailey said...

My mother took a picture of the front door of each of our houses or apartments we lived in and then kept them in a scrapbook. My daughter that has moved almost as much as a military wife has done the front of the where they lived and made a collage. I hadn't realized it but apparently I had done something similar with all of the houses we have lived in because she has a collage of all of the houses starting from her birth to the present with room to grow (They are in those big collage frames. Her's has room for 20 pictures.).