Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I know I said I would have pics of the patio with the gazebo up and I planned on taking them after work today, but the weather turned nasty and what good is a picture of a beautiful gazebo if the sky behind it is all nasty grey and black??!?

So hopefully within the next day or so it will clear up enough to take one.

If you get a sec, check out the link on the side menu about Jenny and Scott...Jenny is an old friend of mine from back in my drumline days...we were drummer chicks together...she moved to Oregon and got married to Scott and now they are hard core biker kids...and they are riding 5,000 to raise awareness for Thirst Relief. It is a pretty cool thing, I can't imagine spending months living off a bike and sleeping on the ground...they will be super buff by the end though!

I fear the morning glory is going to choke out our peas and beans in the garden...darned stuff just won't go away and we think we have it and it just comes back...grrr...

Well, off to bed I go - Winston needs his snuggle buddy :)

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