Thursday, September 28, 2006


So my grandmother had a stroke. It happened Friday early morning ( or late Thursday night, I'm not sure of the exact time). She is doing remarkably well - considering how bad a stroke can be. She only lost movement in her left hand and left leg - which are both doing a little better each day. It kinda made me sad - because it made me realize that they (my grandparents and parents) will not be around forever and I really want my kids to know them and so I am kinda mad that we don't have kids yet - like they are missing out. My great-grandmas (2) and great-grandpa died when I was older (like 12 or so...) so I knew them - and I still have memories of them and being at their house. I fear my children will never have that, and that makes me sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just lost both of my Dad's parents. They went six weeks apart. It was sad for the family but we were happy for them. Good luck to your Grandma for a speedy recovery.
