Sunday, August 06, 2006

the grass is always greener

...ok, so after working one day I decided that I do not want to work anymore...I want to be a stay at home mom to my kitty...although our current financial situation really does not permit this...that is where I hope to be eventually someday - and someday soon!

You know it is funny...growing up I didn't really want kids and when we were first married Nathan seemed kinda shocked by this - him coming from a very large family. I wanted the career and an office and the business suits and heels and stockings...the whole bit - I actually wanted to work for the secret service or FBI...well after I got married I don't know what was like a 'mother' light turned on in my brain and all-of-a-sudden I wanted to have kids...but only 2, maybe 3 max... But as time goes on and the harder it is for us to have children, the more children I find that I I would like 5 or 6...maybe even 7 (call me crazy)...

So my question is: What is it about human nature that makes us always want what we don't have?? How come we are never satisfied...we always want a different house or car or neighbor or job...yet when we get these things we want still something else...

I know the answer is something like: You will never be happy in your current situation until you are truly happy with yourself...but how do we get to that point?? How do we conquer the inner voices always complaining about what we don't have or do have and wish we didn't??

1 comment:

Janus said...

Well I don't know Holly, I'm really wanting your cute house and all the decorations. Hee!! Hee!!

I think when your happy with yourself and really don't care what other people think, that life holds the most joy for us, at least that is how it is for me. Does that make any sense? I hope so.

Love your blog--
